Mac System Integrity Protection Enable and Disable

How to Turn off System Integrity Protection in Mac OS X El Capitan and Mac OS X Sierra

1. Reboot your Mac
2. While booting press the CMD + R Key (hold it until you see the Apple logo)
3. On the top you will find the utilities menu there you can choose Terminal.
4. Now you can enable or disable the System Integrity Protection

# disable System Integrity Protection
csrutil disable
# enable System Integrity Protection
csrutil disable

5. After changing this you have to reboot the mac.


System Integrity Protection includes protection for these parts of the system:

  • /System
  • /usr
  • /bin
  • /sbin
  • Apps that are pre-installed with OS X

Paths and apps that third-party apps and installers can continue to write to include:

  • /Applications
  • /Library
  • /usr/local

(c) LINK Apple

Example error:
bash-3.2# cd /System/
bash-3.2# mkdir test
mkdir: test: Operation not permitted


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