Introduction Automation has arrived everywhere and even on the many network switches you can do much more than it is currently being used. Following ideas are my base why to automate switches. @green production / reduce power consumptionYou can create an own network for employees mobile devices, and check when the last one left the wifi. Then turn off all… Read more →
Schlagwort: script
Canon PTZ Camera & Loupedeck Control
I am very happy that Canon invented their PTZ cameras (CR-N300 & CR-N500). With their XC Control Protocol and the webinterface you can use the camera without purchasing the RC-IP100 Remote Control Unit. Together with the Loupedeck Live you get the perfect small studio setup by running presets with the correct camera positions (and even settings if you want). First… Read more →
DJI Drone HDR Files Name Issue
I love to take pictures with my DJI Mavic Air (Generation 1). The best results can be created by using the HDR function on my drone. (By enabling „save all pictures“ and then stack them in a professional photo software. But this feature is ruining my Lightroom Workflow because:The parent folder has an unique name, for example 101_0001 but the… Read more →
Synology Docker Zabbix Backup and Restore
Backup the Database:The most important settings are all stored in the Database. The easiest and most secure way to save them is to export all the Data at a specific time and store them on the Synology Raid. So this is my solution: Go to „Control Panel“ -> „Task Schedueler“ and create a „User-defined script“ Choose the name you want… Read more →
Ubuntu 20.X fast Docker install
After installing Docker on lots of machines I automated this with following sh script. Just create a new script or download it with this link: DOWNLOAD You can use this command: Content of the script: I am follwing this manual : Docker Manual Read more →