In the macOS you can lock files to prevent them to be deleted or modified by the computer or the user. I use the feature sometimes to make sure that applications can not change their setting files. (For example I used it to prevent my mail signature to be changed by the mail application LINK) If you not use this… Read more →
Schlagwort: macos
macOS Ventura – Exchange ActiveSync issue
Since the release von macOS Ventura I recognized some issues with Microsoft Exchange Accounts by syncing the accounts to Apples build in application iCal. But my surprising was even big when our Nethserver accounts also started to make problems. We use the open source groupware SOGo and were not able to sync our first (automatic created created by the system)… Read more →
Filemaker Install on MacOS Server
If you try to install Filemaker on a MacOS System with the installed server app you will get following error. This update cannot be installed while Apache is still running. Please stop Apache and try again. If you have a newer System than 10.12 (High Sierra) you can not use the „serveradmin stop“ command to stop the web services. If… Read more →
Missing Apple Mail templates
Englisch: Apple has change the template options in the last Apple Mail versions. They disabled the option 🙁 So I searched for a new way to speed up my writings. The easiest way is to use the replacement function. You can define keywords which will be replaced by the text you set. Example: I replace „habi“ with „Happy Birthday“ This… Read more →