If you want to install Zabbix direct on your Synology Docker Setup you can use following Step-by-Step help. You can short it if you use my Backup files and Import them. (You find the Step-by-Step and the files help attached at the end of this document) Install Docker on your Synology. Download following images:– Postgres in the version 13.6– Zabbix… Read more →
Schlagwort: Zabbix
Synology / Zabbix / Docker with Virtual Machine
**** UPDATE 2022 02 24 – NEW Article with installing Zabbix direct on the Synology Docker ******LINK I got a lot of good feedback to my article „Synology Docker install ZABBIX Server with GUI„. Some of you asked if I can create a short installation guide for the 5x version. This is not that easy because we can not use… Read more →
Zabbix – Proxy (docker-compose) Version 5
You can easy install you Zabbix – Proxy with this docker-compose.yml file. Download LINK Follow this steps:– Make sure that you have the same path created if not use mkdir -p /volume1/docker/Zabbix/– Generate PSK FILE by tipping this in your ssh session:“openssl rand -hex 32 >> /volume1/docker/Zabbix/zabbix_agentd.psk“– change „XXX-IDENTITY“ to the Proxy Name– change „xxx.xxx.xxx“ to the IP Adress or… Read more →
Network Monitoring with Zabbix
My home network is not the network normal people have. I have 2 different locations which are booth equipped with Zyxel USG Firewalls and a Site-to-Site VPN. I do my Synology Backups into the other location or use the Smart Home over booth places. Often my mother in law (she is living in one of the locations too) is telling… Read more →
Synology Docker install ZABBIX Server with GUI
***** UPDATE 2021 ******I wrote a new article to install the Zabbix Version 5.x -> please use the new one. Synology Zabbix Docker with GUI Version 5.x ***** UPDATE 2021 ****** This manual will help you installing Zabbix Server in one Docker Container on your Synology by using the GUI. Install Docker (Package Center) Open Docker go to Registry and… Read more →