Canon C70 streaming to OBS Studio

The Canon C70 is not supported to be used as Webcam with the „Canon EOS Webcam Utility Software“ but you can enable network streaming. Following Streaming Profiles can be chosen:
9Mbps/1920×1080 50.00P
4Mbps/1920×1080 50.00P
9Mbps/1920×1080 50.00i
4Mbps/1920×1080 50.00i

  1. You have to connect an USB-Ethernet Adapter on your USB-C Port of your camera.
Canon C70 ethernet connection
  1. If you connect your camera to a network you can use the DHCP Server. If not you can direct attach it to your Mac/PC but then do not forget to set fix IP addresses on the camera and on the Mac/PC to send the stream to the right destination. In my setup I used for the Camera and for the Mac with running OBS.
  2. On your C70 choose Menu -> Network Settings and click on Connection Settings. Follow the wizard choose „IP Streaming“, set the cameras IP address and choose in the Streaming Profile RTP+FEC and the port you want to use. Do not forget to set the „Destination Server“ address to you PC/Mac’s IP.
  3. Do not forget to enable the streaming in the next tab of the „Network Settings“
  4. Go into your OBS Settings and add the camera via „Media Source“ disable „Local File“ and add the IP address and port of your camera. In my case rtp://
  5. Your Setup is complete and you can use your professional video camera as a streaming device. You will recognise a delay in the stream.

For more details check the manual.

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